How Often Should You Post On Instagram?
Aug 21, 2021
Ever wondered how often you should post on your teacher Instagram account? Worried that maybe you aren't posting on Instagram often enough? Feeling stressed about needing to post on Instagram every day?
First things first, you don't have to post on Instagram everyday.
You really don't.
No matter what anyone tells you, or what it said in the caption on that one reel from that one person you follow, or what you heard from your friends - you don't have to post every day.
In fact, you don't even have to post every week.
So how often should you post on Instagram?
Post often enough that you're able to reach your goals, but not so often that you feel overwhelmed or burned out.
Here's what this might look like:
- If you're just getting started, try posting 1-2 times a week and increase your frequency until you have a routine that works for you
- If you're feeling like you can't keep up with how often you're posting, try decreasing to 2-3 times a week and adjust until you have a routine that works for you
- If you're feeling like your routine is manageable and you want to post more often, try it out
There aren't any rules about how often you should or shouldn't post on Instagram and how often you post isn't the most important thing.
When you have valuable content, none of the other things matter.
It won't matter
- how often you post
- what time of day you post
- what hashtags you use
- how cool your pictures are
- whether or not you create reels
- if you use a call to action
Here's why: valuable content makes people want to engage. And the more people engage, the more people your content will reach, which means more people will engage, and then more people will see it, and so on.
So here's your permission to spend more time creating (and sharing) really good content and less time stressing about how often you need to post.
There's room for you on Instagram and there are teachers who need what you have to offer!
Looking for more tips about using your teacher Instagram account? Grab your free guide to using Instagram for your teacher business.